A service where SPEEDEX is only delivered to the correct person whose first and last name is shown on the envelope and mailing slip. Scope of application: Address received in areas where SPEEDEX has post offices, centers The broadcast address belongs to the SPEEDEX's broadcasting station

Service conditions: - Sender: + Full name, + Full and detailed address (house number, street / group / neighborhood name, name of ward / commune, district, province / city), + Contact phone number (mobile number is required). - Receiver: + Full name, + Full and detailed address (house number, street / group / neighborhood name, name of ward / commune, district, province / city), Contact phone number (mobile first). Note: The receiver must provide identification that matches the recipient's name on the bill of lading. When receiving bill of lading, the receiver must present the Identity Card (ID) for the mailing staff to compare the information on the ID card and the information on the envelope or mailing slip. In case the receiver does not present the ID card, the courier has the right to refuse delivery, and the bill of lading is refunded to the sender. In this case, the sender still has to pay the full charge including outgoing and refund charges. The mail delivery staff must write the ID number of the recipient on the document to sign for receipt and enter it on the software.